Camino de Santiago • Daily Digest • 2019.04.12
Avenida de Oporto, 33, 3a
Avenida de Oporto, 33, 3a
~ 10 miles
Foot • Metro
Slept in, got much needed rest after a long day and late night.
Had a weird dream where I got drunk and blacked out and woke up with sore legs from some ill-advised and unexplained Simpsons tattoos.
Hung out on the sun-filled mini-balcony with Taylor and drank iced coffee and ate a bowl of delicious chocolate chocolate chip ice cream (for breakfast) while waiting on his homemade pizza to finish.
Did my first test run of hand-washing socks and underwear, which I’ll be doing regularly during the Camino. Looking forward to the challenge of making such an unremarkable task part of my daily ritual.
Walked around the neighborhood a bit and bought a pack of razors.
Met up with Stephanie at a place called Tupper Ware, which was a cool, kooky bar with a pretty wacky interior (see pic below).
Her coworkers and students were nice and cool, though there were so many of them I only really remember a few (Fernando, a 19 year old student from Nicaragua and Málaga, Spain; and Josh, a Brit expat who is an avid hip hop fan, among other things).
Met a few of her other friends, Johnny (an older British eccentric jack-of-all-trades who seems pretty cool and relatable) and Danielle (one of Steph’s friends from Indiana), as well as Steph’s dog Rocco (I’ll have a picture to share soon enough).
Talked with K8 on the phone several times, including a surprise chat during her afternoon coffee venture.
Heard from Jessica and Conner about driving their dog, Bisou, to North Carolina in mid-June, and it seems like their target date range will line up with my availability.
Hank, one of my newer friends in NYC (who is from Indiana and went to IU) recently finished the first draft of a novel, and he finally sent me a copy of it for me to check out.
Very tired start to the day, but the sleep was good, and I didn’t end up being hungover in any real way.
I haven’t been able to call my bank over WiFi yet, but I will probably get a message reply from them soon.
I think I’ll be going on a picnic with Taylor and Paula, and depending on their travel plans, I may meet back up with Steph/crash at her place.
Looking forward to all of that, plus hearing from K8 about all of her goings on this weekend.